September Release ② "365: My Day 2"

2022-9 Day By Day Shop News 365

Introducing the "Day By Day" themed stamps, "365: My Day 2," released in September.

Some of you may have thought, "Oh!" when you heard the name of the stamp. This is the second installment of " 365: My Day " released last month! " 365: My Day " is a stamp that captures a scene from your time at home, while "365: My Day 2" captures a scene from outside.

365 My Day 2

When you see the smiling faces of Hana-chan and the animals, you will feel like going out with a smile. They are so cute that it would take too long to talk about them one by one, so I will only talk a little bit...

The design of the stamp is a perfect example of the "Just Stamp It" stamp, depicting a bear and a rabbit dropping a letter into a postbox. The background of that scene is the frame of the stamp, and it's love at first sight!

Hana-chan, who usually shops at supermarkets, has started using online supermarkets more often due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but she plans to keep using her stamps until they're worn out.

And one more thing. There are small bird stamps included as decorative stamps. If you stamp them together with the bird from "365: Daily", it will look like a parent and child flying together, or you can create a three-dimensional scene with perspective!

365 My Day 2

There were many other designs I wanted to include in both " 365: My Day " and "365: My Day 2", but with the limited space of 3x4, I agonized over narrowing it down. I'm sure you all have moments in your daily life you wish were made into stamps. I'd love to hear your ideas, so maybe I'll use an Instagram survey or something!? Please feel free to contact me by email or Instagram DM.

Tomorrow we'll be talking about the usual 365 stamp series.

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