SEVEN is our very first notebook cover and notebook collection. To everyone who shared their knowledge about the process, materials, and design, we are truly grateful for your time and patience. It has been a long three years to get here, but it's worth it seeing SEVEN come to life.
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After moving from Hawaii to Japan, we sat together and wrote down a list of goals we wanted to accomplish. One of the largest goals we had was to create a product locally and share with the world the type craftsmanship people here dedicate their lives to.

We, of course, recommend SEVEN specifically for stamping, but it’s good for more than that. It can definitely be used it for keeping track on your monthly, weekly, or daily schedules, documenting memories, taking notes, writing a few ideas down, and doodling. If you do decide to get a SEVEN, we hope you don’t limit yourself and overthink the process or purpose. Instead, sit down and find any small thing that brings you joy and allow it to grow from there.

After moving from Hawaii to Japan, we sat together and wrote down a list of goals we wanted to accomplish. One of the largest goals we had was to create a product locally and share with the world the type craftsmanship people here dedicate their lives to.

A huge part to designing SEVEN was to keep it as simple as possible so that it gives you the ability to customize your blank canvas any way you want. We are already in the works with local manufacturers to create unique items that will complement SEVEN. By doing so, we are hoping that it will offer you a hassle free way to design your SEVEN according to your lifestyle.
A huge part to designing SEVEN was to keep it as simple as possible so that it gives you the ability to customize your blank canvas any way you want. We are already in the works with local manufacturers to create unique items that will complement SEVEN. By doing so, we are hoping that it will offer you a hassle free way to design your SEVEN according to your lifestyle.
The SEVEN notebook cover is made with 100% Japanese canvas manufactured at a long established company. The canvas is hand spun by skilled craftsmen and carries a warm feeling to it.
The SEVEN notebook cover is made with 100% Japanese canvas manufactured at a long established company. The canvas is hand spun by skilled craftsmen and carries a warm feeling to it.
Canvas fabrics have a variety of thicknesses depending on the number of warp and weft threads twisted together. Even within our Sakuralala team, the preferences differ so we have decided to create SEVEN notebook covers with two different thicknesses of canvas fabrics.
Our impression of the notebook cover made with the canvas #10 fabric is that it has a strong durable feel while canvas #11 fits softly in your hand.

The size of notebook is A5 vertical. Years of journaling experiences + trial & errors have led us to this size which we believe is perfect for journaling and note taking. Our company is known for creating fun and cute clear stamps. So, for our first notebook, we asked paper professionals to select a thick paper that would be compatible with stamping and help prevent ink from bleeding through. The paper has a natural warm white color and a gentle rough texture.
The size of notebook is A5 vertical. Years of journaling experiences + trial & errors have led us to this size which we believe is perfect for journaling and note taking. Our company is known for creating fun and cute clear stamps. So, for our first notebook, we asked paper professionals to select a thick paper that would be compatible with stamping and help prevent ink from bleeding through. The paper has a natural warm white color and a gentle rough texture.

カバーが入っているパッケージの箱、開封したら捨てるのではなく、 SEVENのアイテムのひとつとして使えないか考えました。パッケージのプロが思いついたのは「思い出箱」。写真やチケットなどのメモラビリアを入れておくのもいいし、スタンプやマスキングテープ、シールなどを持ち運ぶのに使ってもいいし、全てのページに思い出がたくさん詰まったノートをカバーから外し、箱に入れて保管しておくのもいいし・・・大切な人に思い出を綴る相棒・SEVENの贈り物をするときにも少し雰囲気の良いパッケージなので、そのまま渡すことも。
Instead of throwing away the packaging, we thought of how to design it to give it another role. We then came up with the idea of a "memory box". Keeping collected memorabilia in it on the go, or keeping your finished SEVEN notebook that filled with unforgettable memories. Also it's a nice package if you're thinking of gifting a filled notebook or a new one for those special people inn your life.
Instead of throwing away the packaging, we thought of how to design it to give it another role. We then came up with the idea of a "memory box". Keeping collected memorabilia in it on the go, or keeping your finished SEVEN notebook that filled with unforgettable memories. Also it's a nice package if you're thinking of gifting a filled notebook or a new one for those special people inn your life.
We designed the front side of package simple so that you can customize it.

下記リンクより「こんな使い方があるよ!」というアイデアや使用事例をご覧いただけます。▶️▶︎▶️ もっと読む
We, of course, recommend SEVEN specifically for stamping, but it’s good for more than that. It can definitely be used it for keeping track on your monthly, weekly, or daily schedules, documenting memories, taking notes, writing a few ideas down, and doodling. If you do decide to get a SEVEN, we hope you don’t limit yourself and overthink the process or purpose. Instead, sit down and find any small thing that brings you joy and allow it to grow from there.
Please click on the link below to see some ideas of what you can do with SEVEN. ▶️▶︎▶️ Read more
