Memory Keeping with "Day By Day" #004

2023-5 Day By Day Memory Keeping 2023 365

Introducing memory keeping using "Day By Day" stamps .

My memory keeping starts on Mondays, so I used one page for January 1st, which was a Sunday. Therefore, this week on this page should be counted as the third week, but it's the fourth page. January seems like a long time ago... It's fun to read it again and remember so many things! That's why I think memory keeping is a good thing.

2023 JAN wk4

January and February were a tough start for our household this year, so as I did last week , I decided to write down my children's sleep talking and their adorable behavior.

However, I was still struggling to fill in the blanks, so my kids shared some stickers they had gotten at McDonald's and some paper that came in a toy from a Happy Meal.

The three people on top of the hamburger are from " 365: Cafe ." I like to put stamps on things like this, so it's a stamp I use a lot. Just like the design of the " 365: Here & There " stamps, I feel like the stamps blend in better with the page if you make them seem to intertwine with the thing you're putting them on.  

2023 JAN wk4

The spaces above the numbers 16, 17, and 19 were originally blank, but it seemed like the `` 365: April '' stamp, which can be used like masking tape, would fit, so I thought ``This is just the right size!'' and stamped it.

...Because it was on the armrest of a sofa, which is not very hard, it bends and bends. Can you see how it goes up and to the right?! What's more , it had a stronger presence than I expected, so I regret it a little. If it were me when I first started memory keeping, I would have been so worried about the parts that I messed up, that I would have stuck something on top of them and somehow covered them up. Maybe I would have redone it!?

2023 JAN wk4

"Imperfect is perfect"

My friends who are active in the craft industry and my coworkers at the time told me things like, "Imperfection is part of being perfect!" and I remember thinking, "Ah, I see," and something inside me suddenly became lighter.

Since then, even if the stamp bleeds or I drop an acrylic block and get ink on it, I no longer feel like it's the end of the world (although that may sound dramatic). I do recover from what I can, but new ideas come from changing direction, and I've come to think of everything, including failures, as part of the "flavor." (Maybe I've just become more careless!?)

2023 JAN wk4

Although it is already May, I have only introduced the January page, but I hope that it will be of some help. It is quite hard to introduce memory keeping on time, but I would like to steadily write about it on the blog.

Tomorrow I will be talking about the Nippon series, which includes stamps of the four seasons of Japan, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Look forward to it!

[Stamps used]

2023 JAN wk4

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